Wisconsin Medicare Plans

Medicare Supplement under 65 and Disabled

Medigap Insurance for People under 65 and Disabled

If you are enrolled in Original Medicare under 65 because of a disability, you might be qualified to buy a Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) plan. Medicare Supplement Insurance will help deal with some of the healthcare expenses that come with Original Medicare.  Although the price for a Medicare Supplement under 65 are about twice as expensive.  Call us today 920-545-4884 for a Medicare Supplement Quote or see if a Medicare Advantage plan is a better fit for you.  

The availability of Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans you can select from and your qualifying measures to purchase them will vary depending on a handful factors, including what state you live in.  In Wisconsin you can get a Medicare Supplement, but it is very important that you get it during your open enrollment.  The chances of you passing underwriting outside of your open enrollment period are very slim.

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You can get Medicare Supplement Insurance When You’re Under 65

The Federal law does not require insurance providers to offer Medicare Supplement Insurance for people who are disabled and under age 65, but some state laws do. If you are enrolled in Medicare under 65 due to a disability and/or end-stage renal disease, your eligibility for Medicare Supplement Insurance will depend on the state in which you live

These states require that insurance providers offer at least one type of Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan to individuals under 65 who receive Medicare benefits:

California *



Delaware **









Massachusetts *





New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina




South Dakota



Vermont *



*These states require that insurers offer at least one plan for those under 65 and disabled

**Delaware requires insurers to offer at least one plan for those under 65 that have ESRD

Buying Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) Under age 65

The rules regarding Medigap/Medicare Supplement health insurance for disabled individuals under age 65 differ based on your insurance provider and the state where you live. If you discover a company that allows you to apply for a Medigap/Medicare Supplement under 65, there are a small number of things you should be ready for:

  • You may be unable to buy the particular plan you wanted.
  • Depending on what state you live in and the rights you’re guaranteed under your state’s law. In many cases, insurers aren’t required to provide you the same policies they offer people over age 65, hence you might be limited to only specific Medigap plan options. In Texas, for example, insurance companies are only required to offer Medigap Plan A to people under age 65 — which is the least comprehensive group of benefits available.
  • You may be unable to purchase your plan at the best price possible.
  • Medicare Supplement Policies offered to people under 65 may cost more than policies offered to people over age 65.
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Waiting for Open Enrollment | Medicare Supplement under 65

Typically, your Medigap/Medicare Supplement under 65 open enrollment period will start when you turn 65 and are enrolled in Medicare Part B. During the open enrollment period, you have a broader variety of Medigap plans to pick from, and insurers are not able to charge you a higher premium because of your medical history or current health status.

If you enroll in Medicare Part B before you turn 65, your open enrollment period automatically starts the month you turn 65. Certain states have Medigap open enrollment periods for people under 65. If that’s the case in your state, you’ll still get a Medigap open enrollment period when you turn 65, and you will be able to purchase any plan sold in your state.

 Before making a purchase, find out what rights you have under state law as someone who is younger than 65 and enrolled in Medicare due to a disability.

If you have questions about Medicare Supplement Insurance and want to speak with a Medicare Specialist to get a Medicare Supplement Quote, call our licensed agents today at (920) 545-4884. Our Medicare Solutions Team will help you find the best plans in your area and walk you through the process of buying a policy.

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