Wisconsin Medicare Plans

Medicare Questions-Medicare FAQ’s

Wisconsin Medicare FAQ

Medicare Questions, everyone entering Medicare has them.  Our site is full of information for people on Medicare, and on this page I have put the answers to some of the most frequently asked Medicare Questions.  

If you need more information just click the words in blue to go to the section that briefly answers that question, for more detail, click the “HERE” to go to the page on that specific topic.  We are always available to answer your personal questions, just call 920-545-4884 or email us from our Contact Us page.

As most know Medicare is health insurance for people who are age 65 or disabled. Medicare is made up of 4 parts, two come from Medicare and two that are obtained from private insurance companies.

Part A: Hospital Coverage
Part B: Doctor Coverage
Part C: Medicare Advantage Plan
Part D: Prescription Drug Coverage
For in-depth information on Medicare see our full article HERE

Most people will only pay the Part B premium, part A is $0 premium if you have worked and paid Medicare tax for 40 quarters. Part B premium is set by your income from the 2 years prior, but most will pay $134.00 as of 2018. For more details go HERE.

The best time to enroll in Medicare is during the open enrollment when you are first eligible. That starts 3 months before your eligible, includes the month of eligibility and 3 months after.

If you are not receiveing Social Security you will need to enroll in Medicare by contacting the Social Security office.

If you are currently receiving Social Security, your Medicare card will be automatically be mailed to you 90 days prior to your 65th birthday or your enrollment month.

See the full new to Medicare page HERE

A Medigap is simply just another term for a Medicare Supplement Plans. It refers to the plan paying for or filling the gaps that Medicare has. See our full article HERE

Wisconsin is one of three states that do not use the lettered system for Medicare Supplement Plans.

They use a base and a series of “riders”, the base covers the 20% and each rider covers another part, such as the Part A deductible rider covers the Part A deductible. See our full article on Medicare Supplement Plans in Wisconsin HERE

A Medicare Advantage Plan is Private Insurance Company, that is contracted with Medicare, administering your Medicare benefits. You will have copay’s for every procedure and most likely have to stay in network for your care. Our detailed Medicare Advantage article is HERE

Medicare Part D is you prescription drug coverage, there are many variables, but you will have a deductible, copay’s and a monthly premium. The details vary by plan and provider, plans are offered by county and state. With all the variables I highly suggest you read our detailed explanation HERE

Medicare does not cover and dental or vision coverage unless medically necessary. Some vision testing test for glaucoma, cataracts and other diseases are covered.

If you are on Medicare and moving to another state, your original Medicare will travel with you as well as any Medicare Supplement Plan. If you are on a Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plan, what you need to do changes completely, get the details HERE

The best time to enroll in a Medicare Supplement Plan in during your open enrollment period. That is the 6 months starting the month you start Medicare Part B. If you are on Medicare prior age 65 you will get another open enrollment period when you turn 65. Get all the details in our full article HERE

These are just quick answers to some of the most common questions.  For detail answers see the corresponding articles or call us at 844-528-8688.  You can also reach us by email from our contact us page.

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